Golf Swing Plane Drills
Tour Sticks Full Swing Drills
Golf Swing Plane Drills
The concept of the swing plane is one that tends to be very confusing to most golfers, so here is a drill that we hope will shed some light on this mystery. However, don't be afraid to consult your local PGA member for further assistance.
Place two Tour Sticks in the ground 6 feet apart on an angle consistent with the angle of your club shaft at set-up. You will now have a distinct point within your peripheral vision of where you want the club to be set at the halfway point of the backswing. Place a stick in front that will allow you to make the same check on your through swing, keeping your swing plane symmetrical.
Hitting the sticks with either the takeaway or follow through will be an indication that you are moving the club excessively from in to out or out to in.